Private Practice Coaching and Consultation for Therapists
Therapist friends, I know the overwhelm that can come with starting your own business — I was there just a few years ago. I dreamed of having someone swoop in and give me a blueprint that was created just for me, for the business I wanted and desired. I wanted to be able to go all in on my work without having to give up the other roles I have in my life (ex. mama, partner, friend, professor) and without reaching a point of epic burnout (been there, never want to do that again). I wanted to be excited about my work and I wanted to bring a creative edge to my role as a therapist, both in and out of sessions. I wanted to break free from the narratives of being “invisible” and not taking up any space. I wanted to be me — my unique version of what a therapy practice could be.
You know what — I did it. I’m doing it. And you can too. If you’re looking for guidance on what that looks like for you, I'd be honored to support you on your way to establishing your private practice — on your terms.
Our work together can include:
Establishing a private practice
Creating a schedule that honors your needs and desires
Diversifying your income
Identifying and connecting with your ideal client
Overcoming impostor syndrome
Growing your practice
Becoming a clinical supervisor
Marketing to your niche
Creating community connections
Scaling your business to include associates
Why work with me?
I’ve been you. I’ve been there, in the overwhelm and burnout of this work and I can help you step into a professional version of yourself that feels good and honors who you are and what you want.
My Story
I became a therapist after working in fashion and entertainment for over a decade. During my time as a graphic designer, I worked with startups, establsihed companies, and as a freelancer. I never though that the things I learned then would impact the work I do now. Once I got through the journey (and it’s a JOURNEY) of licensure, I realized that while I had a plethora of clincial knowledge, no one had provided any guidance on how to actually start and develop my business. It took a lot of trial and error, but once I established a practice that felt authentic to who I am, I felt myself exhale for the first time in years. Since then, I’ve guided other therapists through their journey into licensure, expanding their practices and diversifying their incomes, all while growing my practice to a team of nine incredible therapists, partnering with amazing organziations, and finding creative outlets for my work.
Is it smooth sailing 100% of the time?
Nope. It isn’t. None of this is easy and, it is so worth it.
I still quesiton myself, I still have doubts, I still have to quiet the voice inside that tells me that I can’t do it. We all have waves of imposter syndrome, and that is absolutely ok. It’s what fosters an opportunity to grow into the version of ourselves that we dream of and hope for.

I met with Dr. Sahar over the course of a few months for clinical consultation. The guidance she provided me in my clinical work has changed the way I address who I am as a therapist. I am forever grateful to her for being a safe space to process through the ups and downs of therapy work.
LST, Licensed Therapist
Sahar is always incredibly encouraging and empowering, with insights that align closely with the goals I have for expanding my career. I always come out of my time with her feeling excited to take the next steps & much more prepared to begin the process of moving from dreaming to taking action.
AL, Licensed Therapist & Coach
Working with Dr. Sahar has allowed me to helped me to identify what my professional and personal boundaries are and how to move forward in honoring them. After our first session together I found myself re-energized about my future as a therapist and the opportunities ahead. .
JK, Therapist & Clinical Supervisor